The sauce of this scallion ginger dish goes so well with white rice that my son is requesting for it weekly. Using Bentong ginger is a better alternative to old ginger as it is more fragrant and less spicy, which makes it more ideal when I am cooking for the kids.
Petai AKA Bittter beans, is a small bean that contains bigĀ benefits. Simmering the petai for 10mins ensures that the petai is cooked but the taste do not get mixed into the dish. Even my kids love this dish though they do not eat the beans.
Sweet and savory curry dish that is always a big hit with the kids. Diced the vegetables according to age(finely diced for younger children, cut into sections for older children). My son is a picky eater and he would pick out the vegetables but I always diced the vegetables into smaller cubes that I can mash up before he can pick it out from his plate.