How It All Started
Welcome to D'Palate
I have been making these powders for a long time as I had always been a full-time working mother and cooking is my passion. Having my own food seasoning powder on hand means that I can cook with a shorter time while achieving the same umami flavor, instead of spending hours stewing the meat to get the flavors out, for a tasty bowl of porridge or a yummy bowl of noodles.
My 1st born had a lot of health issues from the day he was born and as a mother, I wanted to give him wholesome natural food that would also increase his immune system. I couldn’t get him to eat very much during weaning and I couldn't understand all the chemical terms stated on the labels in store-bought seasonings or ready-to-eat food, so I started to read up on cookery and nutritional books. I believe that children should be fed natural wholesome food, not food ladled with contents that I do not understand, so I created these food powders to enhance flavors and add nutrients to his food.
I truly hope that my food powder will be your go-to choice when you are looking for a healthy natural food seasoning for your whole family.